Final Film Poster Ideas

Lighting for the photos for my poster are going to be dark this means when I take photos of the house I will make sure it is night time therefore the house is as dark as possible, the people that I take photo’s of are going to have be in a low lighted room so it blends in nicely with the low lighted backgrounds I am going to take pictures of.

Main poster- Low lighted house with a ghost in one of the windows, red and white title ‘HIDDEN’ this means I will be taking great inspiration off these two posters. The techniques I want to take from each poster is that I want the house to be low lit but have a bright background with woods behind it, I then want to put a shadow in the top window and have white and red coloured writing for my title and tag- line.


Teaser Poster- Female character is going to look scared with her backed up to a wall right next to a door frame then the other side of the door will be a silhouette, this is the scared woman technique I found in my secondary research, this means I will be taking great inspiration off this poster.



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